Our Team

We are a dynamic motivated team that is excited about telling people about Jesus' soon return. 

Our Client Care department is available from Monday to Thursday 9 am to 4:30 pm PST and can be reached at 1-866-572-9457 or
Wendy Goubej, President & Operations Manager

Dedicated to making Amazing Discoveries known worldwide as the source of truth and clear answers, Wendy Goubej is motivated by the mission of Amazing Discoveries and a sense of responsibility to reach as many souls as possible before Jesus comes. Wendy has been with Amazing Discoveries since its inception and is committed to maintaining AD’s core message and reaching new audiences with the Three Angels’ Messages while affecting stability and efficiency throughout the Ministry.

Hearing the countless stories of lives reached as a result of the ministry is motivating and humbling, and Wendy counts it a privilege to be able to be part of a ministry that changes so many lives. She recognizes that every day is a gift from God with an opportunity to do something for the cause of God and make a difference in someone’s life whether large or small. As a result, Wendy strives to live life meaningfully every day. She enjoys nature through hiking, gardening, star-gazing, and off-roading and doing it all with her dog, Tessa.
Wendy Goubej
Tabea Penner, Assistant Operations Manager

Amazing Discoveries has always been a part of Tabea Penner's life. She grew up around the ministry, helping out by licking stamps and labeling DVDs as a child and learning the behind-the-scenes workings.  By the time she was in high school, Tabea was working at Amazing Discoveries part-time as an administrative assistant and event coordinator, while also assisting wherever the need arose, such as post-production, camera work, and shipping.  She finally joined the ministry full time when she was 19 years old as the client care manager and now serves as the assistant operations manager.
Tabea Penner Drebit
MacKenzie Drebit, Vice President

Passionate about the Bible, MacKenzie Drebit desires to equip people spiritually and physically for the events to come with an emphasis on prophecy, medical missionary work and country living. Dedicating his life to the study of the Word of God has led him to find God's Word to be full of truths relevant to our day, today. His deep love for these gems of truth leads him to share the beauty of these messages with the world. His life testifies of one who acts on principle based on the truths he has spent his life studying and applying.

Trained as a Medical Missionary, MacKenzie is passionate about the health message entrusted to God's people and desires to see people thrive physically, mentally and spiritually. Having worked with the terminally ill, he has seen the health message in action and can testify of God's power through His message.

Mackenzie had the priviledge of growing up in the country, and sees the beauty and urgency of the countryliving message and desires all to understand this message in its fullest sense. Having worked on a market garden and as a commercial scale apiarist, he then received formal education as a Life Soil Consultant from Elaign Ingham. Now he enjoys every chance he can to work on his homestead in any task including training his oxen and other farm animals to fill a need on the farm.

MacKenzie has worked with Amazing Discoveries for over 10+ years first in the Media department as a Video Editor and then heading the department as the Director of Media. Demonstrating a strong dedication to the mission and message of Amazing Discoveries, he served in a leadership capacity as the Associate Director, helping AD grow and be more effective in its mission and message. Today he serves as ADs' Vice President continuing to further the mission and message of Amazing Discoveries and give the final message to the world as we see the Signs of the times fast fulfilling.
MacKenzie Drebit
Juergen Borchers, Financial Controller

In September 2017, Juergen Borchers joined Amazing Discoveries as financial manager in order to assist the ministry as they moved their offices and production facilities from the Lower Mainland, British Columbia to Dugan Lake Ranch. 

Now as controller, Juergen is helping ensure financial integrity while guiding Amazing Discoveries through a period of expansion and growth. He is excited to see how God is leading the ministry to new technologies for distributing the message, and new projects to which God is opening doors. He is excited to see Amazing Discoveries through to its next chapters by God’s grace.
Juergen Borchers
Daryl Davison, Director for Development

In May 2020, Daryl Davison Sr. joined Amazing Discoveries in the donor relations department as charitable giving advisor. He says working for Amazing Discoveries is a dream come true and he feels blessed and honoured to be part of a ministry that stands up for and presents the truth.

Before coming to Amazing Discoveries, Daryl earned his bachelor of business administration degree from Mount Vernon Nazarene University, and is currently certified in planned giving and trust services through the North American Division of Seventh-Day Adventists. 

Daryl first became interested in planned giving when he was visited by a man who worked for another media ministry. He was so impressed that someone would spend time speaking with him, sharing about the ministry’s projects and the impact of giving and praying with him, that he asked the man how he could pursue this career as well. Daryl and his wife Gina live in Brighton, Colorado, northeast of Denver.
Daryl Davison