Amazing Discoveries believes that tithe-paying is the responsibility of each individual and recognizes their right to do as God impresses them. Amazing Discoveries does not solicit tithe.
Should donors choose to pay their tithe to Amazing Discoveries, we ask that the tithe money be clearly marked “tithe” so that we may use it according to Biblical requirements.
Tithe-appropriate funds are used strictly for salaries for pastors, speakers, Bible workers, Bible teachers, missionaries, writers, editors, administrative staff, and medical missionaries.
We rely on the generous offerings of our friends and supporters to provide the ability to pay for our operating costs, such as our satellite costs, equipment, and building projects.
If you are able to support these portions of our work through offerings to "Evangelism - Wherever Needed" we would be very grateful.
For funds given to specific evangelistic projects (other than Ministerial Support), we reserve the right to determine the final use and disposition of financial gifts received in the case of a project being cancelled or if funds in one project greatly exceed our expenses for that project. In this case, the Board of Directors meets on an annual basis to make decisions to transfer funds to appropriate projects that are depleted in funds. This decision is done prayerfully and carefully, and the Board strives to move money to projects that are as closely aligned to the original intent as possible. If the project is substantially different from the original intended project, each donor will be contacted to confirm their permission to use the funds differently.
It is by the grace of God and your generous support that we are enabled to proclaim the “Three Angels' Message” through satellite, internet, and more.
May the Lord richly bless you for your kind generosity, and may He direct your path as you trust in Him.