White House holds Ash Wednesday Mass for staff
Netflix’s 'Mary:' Catholic director says he wanted to 'pay great reverence' to Blessed Mother
Broglio presides at U.S. Capitol Mass, meets with Pelosi
Pope to Orthodox leader: Let’s celebrate Nicaea anniversary together
Pope Francis Announces His Plans To Visit Turkey For The 1,700th Anniversary Of The Council Of Nicea
Vatican meeting highlights 'common good' to reform financial order
Archbishop: No-meat Fridays, Sunday rest good for planet
US bishops discuss Laudato Si' for first time in nearly a decade
Pope: 'Synodality is inseparable from ecumenism'
Archbishop Viganò's reaction to the Synod: 'Wh*re of Babylon'
Pope hopes for 'reconciled differences' with Orthodox, Protestants
Does the state have the right to restrict non-Catholic religions?
Pope to ecumenical pilgrimage: 'Be credible witnesses of unity and hope'
Pope Francis: ‘All Religions Are a Path to Reach God’
Interreligious dialogue at the heart of Pope's visit to Indonesia
Nicaraguan Dictator Accuses Vatican of Being a “Fascist Conglomerate”
Marian procession in Tunisia brings Catholics and Muslims together
Excommunicated archbishop says he fears for his life; condemns 'supranational powers' manipulating Church and State - Catholic Herald
Bishop Barron says famous ‘Chariots of Fire’ Olympian’s skills were ‘something beautiful’, gave ‘glory to God'
The Democratic convention is looking more like a papal conclave
Eucharistic congress ‘a moment of unity’ for the U.S. Church, Bishop Cozzens says
Archbishop Viganò found guilty of schism, excommunicated by Vatican
Pope Francis tells visiting comedians it’s okay to ‘laugh at God’
Vatican blasts gender-affirming surgery, surrogacy and gender theory as violations of human dignity
Pope Francis faces growing revolt
Pope approves blessings for same-sex couples that must not resemble marriage
Christianity and organized labor continue to march together
Vatican takes 'step' towards transgender Catholics
Vatican, Lutheran officials call for joint study of Augsburg Confession
Pope Francis to Bill Clinton: Halt ‘Ecological Catastrophe’ of Climate Change
Pope Francis appoints Jesuit who attacked Jesus as 'callous' to prominent Vatican post - LifeSite
Pope says failure at climate change summit would be ‘catastrophic’
Vatican II and the Political Manichees
Pope: Journalists called to ethically educate future generations - Vatican News
‘This is God’s Style’ Pope Francis’ conversation with Jesuits
Pope asks Papal Foundation to work for church unity
King Charles' Highly Anticipated Coronation Will Have A Holy Touch, Thanks To Pope Francis
On Easter, pope urges world to ‘make haste’ toward peace
6 hot-button issues Pope Francis and Gen-Z confront in new Disney doc
Priest reports possible eucharistic miracle at Connecticut church
All the pope's Jesuit men: 10 years of Ignatian influence under Francis
Albert Pike's anti-Catholic Freemasonry and its diabolical influence in America
Profile of a ‘Pope Francis American’: Bernardin, global and religious
'New Right' academics argue for biblical lawmaking at Steubenville conference
Vatican presents accession to UN and Paris Climate Agreements
Interreligious dialogue an urgent need, Pope Francis says at close of Kazakhstan congress
Pope Francis at the general audience: Ask God for unity to ‘overcome scandal of division’ among Christians
Amazonia: New Paths for the Church and for an Integral Ecology
Blessed Cardinal John Henry Newman to be canonized October 13
One world religion?
Mother Teresa declared a saint by Pope Francis
Pope Calls Migrant Crisis ‘Arab Invasion’, Says Europe Must ‘Rediscover Its Cultural Roots’
Pope Francis to have historic meeting with head of Russian Orthodox Church
Pope Francis and Tim Cook: Why is the Pontiff meeting tech giants?
Pope will go to Sweden for Reformation anniversary, Vatican announces
Pope Asks Protestants to Forgive Past Persecution
Pope Francis meets Apple CEO
Pope Francis to join Google's Eric Schmidt in rare tech industry meeting
Pope criticizes ‘fundamentalist’ Catholics
The Year of Mercy is a time to learn about Islam
Fundamentalism is 'a disease of all religions', says Pope Francis
Pope in Kenya: Interreligious dialogue not an option, but a necessity
Pope Francis calls for strong climate agreement during visit to UN office in Nairobi
The Wily Political Strategy of Pope Francis
Why The Pope Matters
Pope Francis: Sundays are a gift from God – don't ruin it
Preaching Pope Francis's Politics May Be the Key to Becoming President
The Pope’s great Evangelical gamble
State Senate resolution praises papal encyclical on climate change
Pope Says Catholic-Buddhist Meeting Sows ‘Seeds of Peace and Brotherhood’
Francis asks forgiveness for Waldensian persecutions, killings
Pope asks pardon for persecution of Waldensians
Pope asks pardon from Waldensian Protestants for past persecution
Pope Francis: Forgive Catholic persecution of evangelical Christians
The Scientific Pantheist Who Advises Pope Francis
Explosive intervention by Pope Francis set to transform climate change debate
Catholics organize to promote pope's climate change message
Pope Francis: religion should not be confined to 'personal conscience'
How Pope Francis’s Vatican Got Its Political Swagger Back
The Holy See and the United Nations - ZENIT - English
Pope Francis: Evolution is real, God did not wave a 'magic wand'
Pope Francis says evolution is real and God is no wizard
Pope Francis: Evolution and Big Bang Theory Are Real
Pope Francis: 'Evolution ... is not inconsistent with the notion of creation'
Pope Francis Supposedly Claimed Virgin Mary At Second Trinity, At Godhead Level-- Report
Pope recalls beginnings of Church in Canada, calls for renewed Eucharistic, Marian devotion
Pope Francis: the Church is a mother who guides her children
Pope Francis meets US televangelists, and the first-ever ‘papal high-five’ follows
Pope Francis calls for wealth redistribution
Divisions among Christians are 'a scandal,' says pope
'Not to share wealth with poor is to steal': Pope slams capitalism as 'new tyranny'
Archbishop of Canterbury: “Do Like the Catholics, Go to Confession”
Pope tells atheists: You don't have to believe in God to go to heaven
Pope Urges All Religions to Unite for Peace, Justice
Virgin Mary 'greatest source of hope' for Europe's crisis
Catholic Church and Trade Unions Form 'Holy Alliance' to Enforce Sunday Observance
UPDATE 2-Vatican urges economic reforms, condemns collective greed
God was behind Big Bang, universe no accident: Pope
Blessed Brother André to become first saint of Notre Dame’s founding religious order
Brother André becomes Quebec's first saint
Pope approves Lourdes indulgences
Earth Day: Reaching every corner of the globe for a brighter future - Vatican News
One-World Church Expected This Year
When Pope Francis issued ‘Laudato Si’,’ everyone paid attention. What about now?