Greatest Need Millions of people are held prisoner of false teachings, deception, and lies about God and His Word. With your loving gifts, you have the power to save lives and help others come to understand relevant and critical Bible truths for these last days so they can live eternally with Jesus. By donating to our Greatest Need, you allow the Ministry to use the funds in the most urgent areas so we can share life-saving Truth with those in need. Support this project with a donation
Web Evangelism & Online Bible School You can help transform the lives of countless people searching for truth by supporting our new study platform on! By incorporating advanced search tools, online Bible studies and tailored learning experiences into our website, your contributions will ensure these vital resources reach a wider audience. We urgently need your support to complete this project because there are so many people around the globe that still need to learn how to study the Word of God. Today, you can help guide seekers toward a meaningful purpose and everlasting life with Christ through your generous support! Support this project with a donation
Prophecy Wire Do you wonder how Bible prophecy is being fulfilled today? The signs are all around us. Prophecy Wire is a live program where we look at current events in the light of Bible Prophecy. Help us spread the word and answer Bible questions from live viewers! Support this project with a donation
Ministerial Support Will you help us spread the Three Angels’ Messages to the world? Our team of speakers, missionaries, evangelists, Bible workers, educators and medical missionaries are working hard to expose deceptions and affirm the truth to help bring people out of spiritual darkness. Your generous donation will help do this vital work today! Support this project with a donation
Annual Operating Fund Your caring contributions to this fund help cover basic costs so we can continue proclaiming the Three Angels' Messages in their fullness and guiding those who are searching for truth to discover the profound love of God and to embrace the promise of eternal life. You will help... Broadcast truth and expose deceptions Provide study materials to people everywhere Produce website platforms and digital evangelism to reach millions Maintain essential departments and farm grounds for teaching the truth for this time Many souls around the globe are still oblivious to the approaching return of Christ. Please join us with your financial support, in not only keeping the lights on, but preparing the harvest for Jesus! Support this project with a donation
Broadcasting Today, your kind gift to partner with us in our media ministry can help reach millions of people tuning in to ADtv through satellite, Youtube and 7 other devices, in addition to internet streaming, and DVDs. Every searching heart yearns to uncover the truth and they need your help to come to Christ! Support this project with a donation
Digital Evangelism Project Where do people find their wisdom and knowledge? The number one source is online. So, the question is, how many are being deceived?With over 5 billion people connected digitally to social networks, your gifts will help us reach millions instantly, many times a day, across multiple social platforms with Truth that matters. Help us enlighten people through digital avenues so they can learn and prepare for Christ's return through programs like Truth Matters, Prophecy Wire and our documentaries. God's wonderful and vital Truth must reach audiences more broadly than ever before. Now is the time to give generously!Will you join us to reach millions and provide life-saving truth for Christ?"The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few" Matthew 9:37 Support this project with a donation
Australia Satellite Imagine your gifts reaching everyone in Australia! Donations to assist our broadcasts on the VAST network has the potential to reach 27 million people in Australia. ADTV is on channels 111 & 611 on Optus D3 and even extends to remote areas where other signals cannot. Help us stay on the air and reach these listeners with God’s life-saving truth! Support this project with a donation
Judgment Day Documentary Judgment Day is an evangelistic outreach documentary that presents the Three Angels’ Messages found in Revelation Chapter 14. It will be completed sometime in 2025. Please help us finish this project. Support this project with a donation
Literature Evangelism When you give to this project, you will directly help someone else find Jesus. Your support will provide books, magazines, DVDs, sharing materials and mass mail flyers to homes guiding peole to more resources online and inviting them to explore God’s answers for truth and freedom. Will you help share a beacon of hope that can save lives? Support this project with a donation
Washington DC Outreach Help us reach senators, leaders, and Trump supporters through the avenue of health to interest them in further Bible studies. Please support this endeavour to print thousands of booklets for distribution on January 20 in WA DC! Support this project with a donation
Daily Bible Verse Project If you've been blessed by our Daily Bible Verse, help us bless others. Today, your generous gift could help reach a potential over 27K around the world! Our Daily Bible verse with Ellen G. White commentary provides daily motivation, deep reflections, and a more meaningful connection to one’s faith. Support this project with a donation
Studio Kitchen - Special Project Our studio needs a kitchen set so that we can provide more variety of programs on ADtv - including cooking shows and health summits. Please help us make this dream a reality, and enhance our programming! Support this project with a donation
Cabins for Students - Special Project You can help students be prepared to share God’s life-changing truth with your caring donation! We need to build 3 cabins for our mission school so that at any time of the year, multiple students, speakers and teachers have housing to stay clean, dry and warm. Your generous gift today will help provide this essential part of our program. Together we can advance God’s work! Support this project with a donation
Horsefly Water Treatment System Everyone needs safe water to drink. Your kind gift can play a crucial role in making this a reality by supporting this very important, short-term project. With your help today, we can provide clean, potable water for AD staff living on site and some Horsefly residents who rely on this vital source for drinking. Our water has a high concentration of arsenic, and is deemed not-potable. Will you help us install a system that will make this basic necessity accessible? Support this project with a donation
Mini-Documentaries Life’s hectic schedule means people are too busy to study the Bible and the round of day-to-day cares and the entertainment industry keep them too distracted to watch simple sermons. As they rush through life, they need something to captivate their sight and stop them long enough to hear the truth. Help us create documentaries to present clear and simple truth in these modern times. Support this project with a donation
Shipping Warehouse - Special Project We've outgrown our shipping warehouse and we need your help to build a bigger one!Please help us build a shipping warehouse that can house all the books & DVDs in clean dry storage, as well as increase our free literature distribution. Support this project with a donation
Broadcast Van - Special Project We’re soon to be mobile! By God's grace we are building a van to be able to come to you and present a series in your local churches or auditoriums in your town.Our van doubles as a needed control room for our set area in our studio. The set area houses the Truth Matters Podcast set, Bible Q&A set, Kitchen set and more! The control room that will be housed in this van helps us produce these programs faster requiring less men to man equipment. Rather than expanding the building itself, we decided to put the gear into a van so that we can also be mobile. This decision was far more cost effective as well!Please help us pay for this van and the gear in order to contiune to produce impactful programs as well as be mobile to spread the Truth all around North America! Support this project with a donation
Support this project with a donation
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