Did Ellen White Exhibit the Physical Signs of a Prophet?
What are the signs that distinguish a true prophet? Did Ellen White exhibit any of these signs? Discover true accounts of historical eyewitnesses!
Predictions of Ellen G. White
One of the tests of a prophet is that their predictions must come true. A sampling of fulfilled predictions made by Ellen White is given here, along with a list of predictions to watch for.
The Man with the Dirt Brush
What does the story of the Man with the Dirt Brush mean? Discover jewels of truth.
The New Interpretation of “the Daily”
Adventist pioneers had a different interpretation of “the daily” from the interpretation taught by the church today. Why has our understanding of “the daily” changed?
William Miller's Rules
William Miller's rules of interpretation are sound principles of Bible study that lead to the truth based on the Word of God.
How the Adventist Pioneers Studied the Bible
Rediscover simple yet profound methods of Bible study that have stood the test of time.
Christians and Jewelry
What does the Bible say about Christians and jewelry? Find out!
Preparing for the Sabbath
God’s Word gives us insight on how to prepare for the weekly Sabbath. Find out!