Climate Change and the Coming One-World Religion
Does humanity have a moral obligation to protect the Earth? What role does religion play in the climate agenda?
What is transubstantiation and is it Biblical?
Does the wine and bread really turn into Christ's blood and body during mass? Is this doctrine of transubstantiation Biblical?
Mithraism in Christianity?
What is Mithraism? How has this ancient pagan religion crept into Christianity today?
Futurism - Scheme of Deception
Is Futurism a correct interpretation of Bible teachings? Where did this doctrine come from?
Dispensationalism - What does it teach?
Learn about the meaning and history of dispensationalism.
How Futurism Transformed Protestantism
Futurism began as a Jesuit Catholic doctrine but was later adopted by Protestantism.
Who is the Antichrist? A Biblical Checklist
What does the Bible reveal about the identity of the Antichrist?
Who Are the Angels?
Who are the angels? Do angels visit or minister to humans? Find out!
Higher Criticism vs. Historicism: Interpreting the Scriptures
How did the apostles, Bible writers, and pioneers interpret the Bible? Learn the time-tested rules that you can use too!
How Is the Eucharist Different from the Lord’s Supper in the Bible?
Is there a distinction between the Eucharist, or mass, and the Lord’s supper in the Bible? Discover the important difference.
What Does the Bible Say About Indulgences?
Was Christ’s sacrifice on the cross enough, or do you need to do something more to obtain salvation? Find out whether the Bible supports indulgences.
Predictions of Ellen G. White
One of the tests of a prophet is that their predictions must come true. A sampling of fulfilled predictions made by Ellen White is given here, along with a list of predictions to watch for.
Which Bible Version Should I Read?
Does it matter which Bible version we use for studying? Find out!
The Death of Protestantism in America
What does the Bible say about the future of religion in America? Learn about Christian nationalism and what lies ahead for Protestantism in America.
The Pope Claims to Be God on Earth
Read proof that throughout the Roman Church's history, the Papacy has often claimed that the Pope is divine.