Is Mary Infallible?
Who is Mary in the Bible? Can she intercede on our behalf? Where did the doctrine of Mary as Mediatrix originate? Find out!
The Heavenly Sanctuary
God's people in the Old Testament were told to build a sanctuary, modeled after the true sanctuary, which is in heaven.
Is Infant Baptism Biblical?
Should we baptize infants into the church? This practice is followed by some of the largest Christian religions but is it Biblical? Find out what the Bible says about it!
The Symbolic Sanctuary
The ceremonies performed in the ancient sanctuary—and the structure of the sanctuary itself—are symbolic of Jesus' life and ministry.
The Books of Record
The Bible mentions three books in Heaven used to record the lives and deeds of people on Earth. Learn about these books!
What Does the Bible Say About Indulgences?
Was Christ’s sacrifice on the cross enough, or do you need to do something more to obtain salvation? Find out whether the Bible supports indulgences.