Who is the Antichrist? A Biblical Checklist
What does the Bible reveal about the identity of the Antichrist?

Revelation 2:12-17 - Church of Pergamos
A verse-by-verse commentary on Revelation 2:12-17, church of Pergamos

Revelation 3:1-6 - Church of Sardis
A verse-by-verse commentary on Revelation 3:1-6, church of Sardis.

Revelation 3:7-13 - Church of Philadelphia
A verse-by-verse commentary on Revelation 3:7-13, the church of Philadelphia.

Revelation 2:1-7: Church of Ephesus
A verse-by-verse Commentary on Revelation 2:1-7, church of Ephesus.

Daniel 1 - Four Captives
A verse-by-verse study of Daniel chapter 1. Learn about how Daniel and his 3 friends came to Babylon.

Revelation 3:14-22 - Church of Laodicea
A verse-by-verse Commentary on Revelation 3:14-22, church of Laodicea.

The Meteor Shower of 1833
Was the Leonid Meteor Shower of 1833 a fulfillment of Bible prophecy?

Predictions of Ellen G. White
One of the tests of a prophet is that their predictions must come true. A sampling of fulfilled predictions made by Ellen White is given here, along with a list of predictions to watch for.

Israel in Prophecy: Why American Evangelicals Support Israel
Are there Bible prophecies that Israel has yet to fulfill? Will the temple be rebuilt again? Find out why many American Evangelical Christians support the nation of Israel.

Did Ellen White Exhibit the Physical Signs of a Prophet?
What are the signs that distinguish a true prophet? Did Ellen White exhibit any of these signs? Discover true accounts of historical eyewitnesses!

Is Revelation a Sealed Book?
Can the book of Revelation be understood? Get an overview of the book before digging in deep.

The Great Lisbon Earthquake of Revelation 6:12
When does the time of the end begin? When was Revelation’s sixth seal opened? Was the Great Lisbon Earthquake of 1755 a fulfillment of prophecy?

Introduction to the Book of Daniel
An overview of the Book of Daniel. Can the book of Daniel be trusted? When was it written?

The Day-For-A-Year Principle
What is the day for a year principle in Bible prophecy?

What is the Purpose of Prophecy?
Sin broke the perfect bond of communication between God and humanity. But God continues to speak to us through His prophets.

Revelation 2:18-29 - Church of Thyatira
A verse-by-verse commentary on Revelation 2:18-29, church of Thyatira.

The Dark Day and the Moon As Blood
Does the dark day have any prophetic significance? Does this historical event have any correlation to end-time events? Find out!

The Death of Protestantism in America
What does the Bible say about the future of religion in America? Learn about Christian nationalism and what lies ahead for Protestantism in America.

What is the "daily" in Daniel 8?
Adventist pioneers used sound Bible study methods to arrive at their interpretation of “the daily.” What is the correct Biblical definition?