Is Mary Infallible?
Who is Mary in the Bible? Can she intercede on our behalf? Where did the doctrine of Mary as Mediatrix originate? Find out!
Israel in Prophecy: Why American Evangelicals Support Israel
Are there Bible prophecies that Israel has yet to fulfill? Will the temple be rebuilt again? Find out why many American Evangelical Christians support the nation of Israel.
God’s Ten Commandments Vs. the Catholic Church’s Ten Commandments
The Catholic Catechism contains a copy of the Ten Commandments. Do they match the Commandments given by God in the Bible, or have they been changed? Find out!
What is transubstantiation and is it Biblical?
Does the wine and bread really turn into Christ's blood and body during mass? Is this doctrine of transubstantiation Biblical?
Preterism and the Counter-Reformation
What does Preterism teach? How did it influence the Counter-Reformation?
Is Infant Baptism Biblical?
Should we baptize infants into the church? This practice is followed by some of the largest Christian religions but is it Biblical? Find out what the Bible says about it!
How Is the Eucharist Different from the Lord’s Supper in the Bible?
Is there a distinction between the Eucharist, or mass, and the Lord’s supper in the Bible? Discover the important difference.
Who is the Antichrist? A Biblical Checklist
What does the Bible reveal about the identity of the Antichrist?
Mithraism in Christianity?
What is Mithraism? How has this ancient pagan religion crept into Christianity today?